Friday, July 27, 2007

I need to dejunk....

I have helped two friends move this last year. And both times I am reminded that if I ever move that I have at least as much stuff as they have. So I need to dejunk. I am motivated! However when your friend offers you a perfectly good treadmil regardless of your dejunking motivation you take it and find a spot for it in your home. So I now have a treadmil. WooHoo! i have wanted one for a while, it is too cold here in Utah in the wintertime to go walking at 6:00 in the morning. As much as I admit I hate exercise I enjoyed walking, it gave me energy. And gave me time to work on my writing. So i am going to clean it off and plug it in today and give myself some time to work on my plotlines for books 2-4.


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