Friday, September 12, 2008

The Santa Letters by Stacy Gooch-Anderson

One year ago on Christmas Eve, William died. For Emma, the hit-and-run driver killed more than her husband; he killed her joy in life itself.

Now, as Christmas approaches again, Emma Jensen finds herself sinking into depression that nothing can breach--not her job, not her love for her children, and certainly not the season. Money is tight, and emotions are taut, and this year Christmas will be a meager, empty, and painful experience. Only six-year-old McKenna believes in miracles and the magic of Christmas. The rest of the family knows that Christmas can never be the same.

But when a mysterious package and an ornate letter arrive on the doorstep, things begin to change. Each day, a package and a letter signed "Santa" arrive for the family, and together they come to understand that the joy of Christmas does not have to be lost forever, and that God's love can heal any wound, no matter how deep.

The Santa Letters will take the Jensens on a journey through a Christmas experience that will have the power to heal them all.

To visit her amazing website click on the link in my sidebar.

I will admit that this was a difficult book to read. The book is awesome, and well written. The story is wonderfull. This is my niece McKensie, she was diagonosed at the tender age of 9 monts old with AML Lukemia. She is fighting for her life and has very little chance to survive. Her disease is chemotharapy resistant and she cant remain in remission long enough to get a bone marrow transplant. However small miracles such as her brother being a 10/10 match for the transplant keep our hopes buoyed up. Death and loss is dificult but with the help of our Savior and others; we can survive even the darkest hours of our lives.

To visit McKensies website see the sidebar also.


Stacy G. Anderson said...


I'm so sorry to hear about your niece. Both of my parents died of cancer at young ages (61 & 63) and it's not fun to watch those you love battle that horrendous disease.

You'll be glad to know that I've earmarked a portion of The Santa Letters sales to the Huntsman Cancer Institute as they help those going through it and continue to try to find a cure.

Thank you for taking part in this tour and for your thoughts on the story. My prayers are with you and your niece and her family at this time....


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