Sunday, November 18, 2007

Did I say plot restructure?

I meant book restructure... I have realized the 9 months that Awaiting happens in is too short of a time to build up Foxproof. Since Foxproof, Doninion Day and Awaiting happen at the same time. So now the structure will be Doninion Day, Awaiting then Foxproof and then Prophecy Rising. which happens 8-9 years after Awaiting. Thereby giving enough time for all of the things that happen in Foxproof to occur. Whew I am glad I had this apostrophy before I started to rewrite either Awaiting or Foxproof. It saved me alot of worry in the future. So now to change some scenes and start rewriting Awaiting which is where my gut kept pushing me in the first place.....


Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen said...

It sounds like you're on your way. Good luck.

C. Michelle Jefferies said...

Thanks.... it is daunting but necessary. I feel better looking at the series like this. You know when you make a decision that just feels right? This is one of those decisions.