Thursday, November 15, 2007

I am Home!

We made it. After three hours in the car with three kids three birds a trutle and my houseplants we are in Castle Dale. I am still up to my knees in boxes but my office is unpacked, and I can manuver around my bedroom w/o triping most of the time. MY family room and garage are another story. LOL I miss all of my friends but I know that this is the right thing for us to do. We have had brownies or cookies delivered every night we have lived here so far. The neighbors are great and the house is beautiful.

My DH has found that even the well paying jobs have some glitches and that he isnt going to be happy every moment. (silly boy I could have told him that a long time ago.)

I have found a chiropractor that not only does muscle testing, but sells the supplements that I use and love. This is going to be a good move for all of us.

I am hoping to get some writing done soon. I made it to the official contest level in the Penguin/Amazon contest, and I am psyched. Now to wait untill Jan 15 to see if I made it to the top 100.

Now to get my kids registered for school...


Pendragon Inman said...

WHOO HOOO! Now just to get the home in tooele closed, and your move will be official. (hope you don't get too home-sick on that day) Meanwhile, enjoy your castle of cardboard boxes while it lasts!


Marilyn said...

Dang woman! sounds like everything is working out for you. Who knew that you would be able to get your supplements down there? I am happy for you. I guess I should introduce myself to your other bloggers. I am Marilyn, and I was Michelle's across the street neighbor & friend. It feels weird making a comment, maybe I'll get used to this.