Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm so excited!!!!!!

I have been invited to do two guest blogs on the story structure, by Larry Brooks, that I love so much. This is awesome for me. I want to share how this has changed my writing and help others to change their's too. So look for me on Jordan McCollum's blog in October. I'll remind you and post a link when we are closer to the date.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My closet. . .

Okay I am feeling brave enough to tell you the truth.


I know I know, I am famale and therefore it shouldn't be possible. But after some research i have found that if there is the colorblindness gene on both sides of the family it is possible for a female to be color blind. (thanks guys)
I can not tell light blue from lilac or pale green, browns from plum, dark blue from dark green or black, or flourescent yellow from flourescent green. Today as I was getting dressed my daughter was sitting on my bed. I told her I was going to wear my blue sweater and she started to laugh. "Remind me to never ask you if my clothes match," she said as she left my room. She told me as she left that my sweater is lilac.

Thanks daughter. So If you see me and I don't match or I am wearing my safe black and white. There you go.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My new website!

I have been working on this for a little while. I found a much more professional template that still had a butterfly on it. (Lucky me!) I have worked on the content and am ready to show it to the world.

It's right here, C.Michelle Jefferies Author

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Using Story Structure and The Writers Journey together

I am still editing and while writing and editing has been my life, (besides my 6 kids hubby and house)I have also been pondering plot. My awesome editor has asked me to revise and rewrite some things. Alot of it to make sure the plot is one solid wonderful thing. I am loving what I am doing I am learning tons and having alot of fun too.

The purpose of my post however is using some tools to get the plot of your book in publishable shape.

The first tool is Story Structure by Larry Brooks of This tool has REVOLUTIONIZED how I look at look at my MS and my writing. I'm dead serious when I tell you to go read the series of blog posts print them up and read them again and again. Print the questions he so convienently provided and use them. I promise you wont be sorry.

He describes a book as a series of four sections, and a series of points that when pre-decided will give you what you need to write what should be a publishable book.

Section one Introdouction: This is where we get to know the characters and setting, including the inner workings of the main character at least.

Next: Plot Point #1, this is the scene/experience that changes the MC's ordinary life into something completely diferent.

Section two the Reactive Stage: The MC experiences Plot Point #1 and then reacts to that point for the first half of the book. The MC is dealing with the shock of the PP#1.

Mid-point: changes the book from reactive to proactive. It's also that point where the writer can give the reader inside information that changes the readers opinion of whats going on whether the characters know about it or not.

Section three Proactive Stage: After the mid point the MC's reactive actions become active and we enter the proactive stage. The MC is circling the wagons and protecting what's left of his "ordinary" life after PP#1

Plot Point #2 this is the crisis point in the book, the last battle, the final major event. Everything comes to a head at this point. Things need to be resolved, and nothing new can be introdouced after this.

Section four Resolution: This is the end where you tie the loose ends up and make the reader feel good after taking them through the events in the book.

I'm giving you the extreme cliff notes version I strongly suggest you go and read it for yourself in its entirety. He does a much better job of it.

Second Tool is "The Heroes Journey" by Joseph Campbell The article I read that started my own study of this idea is here.

While I don't see this as solid structure like Story Structure. I believe that The Heroes Journey is good for character arc. It also draws an analogy to Star Wars in order to illustrate the certain points talked about.

First we are introdouced to the "Ordinary World" where we again see the character where they live and what they are doing.

Next our hero is "Called to an adventure". Sometimes he refuses the call, sometimes he accepts it readily. Sometimes he meets his mentor at this time too.

Next we have our "Threshold Guardians" these are events that move the character along towards the end goal which is resolution of the call to action.

As we near the end of the book we get to what is called "Approach the Innermost Cave" This is where the events start to build towards the Crisis point.

Some times you will have your MC experience a "Death and Resurection" to add tension to the story.

"The Ordeal" is the crisis point where everything comes to a head.

The last two items are "The Reward and Road Back" where the MC suceeds and he begins the road back to that origional "Ordinary World". And "Return With Elixer" Where the story has it's resolution, and leaves the reader feeling good.

Again this is the Cliff Notes version and you need to read and learn it for yourself.

As I plot my book now I use both of these tools alot. Story Structure for what needs to go where and Heroes Journey for detailes information on the characters arc in the story. Together these have completely changed how I think about my writing.

Want to test it? Read both sections and then go watch a movie you will see where each of these tools come into play within about 2 hours.

I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

the joys of writing

The last two days have been an experience to remember.

I finished my fith chapter edit and am anxiously awaiting the next chapter from my editor. I also had an awesome apostrophy about my sci fi book that directly influences my MC. It is one of those revelations where you get chills just talking about it with your writer friends.

Second, I had two awesome ideas come to me for my romantic fantasy. One a change in plot that effects my midpoint in a much more dramatic way then I thought it was going. And, I had an awesome idea that I will tell you about as soon as it is solidified. It involves you guys, my readers, and it's going to be awesome.

Today was a good one.